
Medway Change Makers

Medway Change Makers is a bespoke volunteering programme connecting people with exciting cultural volunteering opportunities at arts organisations and events across Medway. Ideas Test is leading a partnership with Medway Voluntary Action, Medway Place Board and Creative Medway to deliver this exciting initiative, funded by the Spirit of 2012 ‘Volunteering Cities’ Fund. 

With this programme, we want to break down the barriers that prevent people from volunteering, and to diversify what it means to be a volunteer in Medway. We know that some regular or long term volunteering schedules don’t work for a lot of people, and that they can be a barrier to getting involved. This programme instead helps volunteers to find events based opportunities, where you volunteer for a fixed, short term period, rather than on a regular ongoing basis.

If you are a Medway based arts and cultural organisation, and would like to discuss how Medway Change Makers can work with you to develop volunteering at your upcoming event, please contact adrianne@ideastest.co.uk 


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