An informal meeting for anyone interested in arts and homelessness in Medway
About this Event – happening in person as well as online.
Arts & Homelessness International (AHI) and Ideas Test invite you to a new forum for the arts and homelessness sector. AHI runs a number of these regional and international forums in the sector to connect people interested in arts and homelessness. The meetings are informal and a chance to share news and ideas.
Please come along. People with lived experience of homelessness are particularly welcome.
Let us know if you have any problems connecting online and we will try to help.
You can join us in person at:
Pathways to Independence, 25 Victoria Street, Rochester, ME1 1XJ.
Please share this invitation with people personally interested in, or providing services that have an interest in, arts and homelessness. Let’s get connected!
Zoom links:
28th Mar 25 – Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 833 3458 0963
Passcode: 331034